Charity Home2024-09-04T20:44:50+02:00



NORWAC is a humanitarian organization that works with health-related projects in the Middle East.


Lidelsene i Gaza er større enn noen gang. I 1948 ble 750 000 palestinere drevet på flukt. Siden Oktober 2023 er over 2 millioner utsatt for folkerettsstridig tvangsfordrivning under bomberegn i en krigssone. Behovene for helsehjelp er enorme.
NORWAC har i 40 år arbeidet med helsehjelp i Palestina og for palestinske flykninger i Midtøsten.
Ønsker du å bidra til humanitær helsehjelp til befolkninger i Gaza. 

Du kan støtte økonomisk til innkjøp og distribusjon av livreddende medisiner og medisinske utstyr i Gaza.
Kontonummer: 1506.99.02488, merk donasjonen med Nødhjelp Gaza.

Vipps: 126863

Legespesialister og sykepleiere/jordmødre søkes:

NORWAC søker operasjonssykepleiere og jordmødre for humanitært oppdrag i Gaza.
Lenke: Stillingsutlysning Sykepleiere / Jordmødre – NORWAC

NORWAC søker etter spesialister i anestesi, ortopedi, generell-, gastro-, nevro- og/eller vaskulærkirurgi, pediatri/neonatal-, obstetrikk- medisin for humanitært oppdrag i Gaza.
Lenke: Stillingsutlysning Legespesialister – NORWAC

Number of teams sent to Gaza
NORWAC medical personnel in Gaza
Hospitals with NORWAC personnel
Total number of medical personnel sent to Gaza

EMT missions to Gaza 2024 


NORWAC is a humanitarian organization that works with health-related projects in the Middle East. NORWAC adheres to the main principles of humanitarianism and medical ethics, in particular the principles of impartiality – that services and assistance needs to be given according to needs, regardless of race and ethnicity, religion and political beliefs, and in line with medical ethics – in the tradition of the “Hippocratic oath”.

active medical consultants
of NORWAC’s project target women and children

Our values


Read about our work in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon





Stay updated and informed with our latest

EMT Team 6 in GAZA

The sixth EMT team consists of Herman Luhr, orthopedic surgeon Martin Bøhler, general surgeon Ann-Kristin Kappfjell El-nawsjhah, anesthesiologist and Alice Skår, OR nurse

EMT Team in GAZA

A new Emergency Medical Team (EMT) has successfully entered Gaza to provide critical assistance. The team comprises orthopedists Geir Stray Andreassen and Odd Arild Ågedal, anesthesiologist Fadi Kabbouli, and OR nurse Alice Skår.

The sixth NORWAC Emergency Medical Team has finally been able to enter Gaza after many delays. 
The team will work at the European Gaza  Hospital and will be working to support the reactivation of  the hospital after it has been closed after evacuation.
The team consists of 
Herman Luhr, orthopedic surgeon 
Martin Bøhler, general surgeon 
Ann-Kristin Kappfjell El-nawsjhah, anesthesiologist 
and Alice Skår, OR nurse
Pictured here are three trucks worth of urgently needed medication and medical disposables which will be used by hospitals in Gaza. In collaboration with @palmed.france and @palmed.sweden NORWAC will send these trucks with aid through @who 
These boxes filled with critical aid are funded both by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry as well as private donations
An enormous thanks to all who have donated❤️
Happy Norwegian constitution day!🇳🇴 
The day is usually spent eating ice cream and hotdogs while watching the children’s parade. The NORWAC emergency medical team is marking the occasion while working in the Al-Awda hospital in the middle of Gaza.

#healthpersonnell #humantarianaid #norwegianaidcommittee #gaza
The title reads: Nurse in war. From winning the Woman of the Year award, Hilde Vollan is now on the cover of @sykepleien. She shares her experiences working at the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis as an OR-nurse at the beginning of this year as part of the first NORWAC Emergency Medical Team 

#humanitarianaid #gaza #healthcare
The NORWAC emergency medical team has spent the last 10 days in northern Gaza working. Here are some of the photos they have sent.
📸 1: Our team taking a break with Dr. Obeid who has been working tirelessly for the last 6 months. 📸2 and 3: The destructions surrounding the Al-Awda hospital. 📸 4: OR nurse Alice Skår working in the Al-Awda hospital.  #humanitarianaid #healthpersonnel #norwegianaidcommittee #gaza
Another NORWAC Emergency Medical Team (EMT) are now ready to work in North Gaza. They have brought around 900 kg of medical supplies and food with them. 

#humanitarianaid #healthpersonnel #gaza
NORWACs medical team are  working non-stop alongside their Palestinian colleagues at the European Hospital in Gaza.

In this photo you see Dr. Fosse and Dr. Andreassen conducting vital surgery!
Medical personnel in Gaza have worked nonstop for 3 months under inhumane conditions! But after 3 months of trying, NORWACs medical team was finally able to enter Gaza to work in solidarity with our Palestinian colleagues🇵🇸
Del 3: Listen over folk som skal takkes er lang! At så mange samles i solidaritet for det palestinske folket og for Gaza, viser at det er håp❤️🇵🇸


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